Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A New Song

Ok, one more idea dealing with the New Year.  --  “I found a diary underneath a tree, and started reading about me.”,  “If a picture paints a thousand words. . .”  “If we make it through December, everything’s going to be all right I know.” “Today I started loving you again; I’m right back where I’ve really always been.”
            I grew up listening to my dad sing country music to the radio.  I can probably sing every Merle Haggard and Charlie Pride songs recorded.  In High School I found a new kind of music and the English group Bread became my favorite band.  I know all their songs too. In fact “If” was the song sang at our wedding.  I would guess that you too have your favorite artist, band and songs that just do something for you when you hear them again.  Music has a powerful influence on our lives.
            Paul tells us in Romans that even Creation sings of the wonders of God, (Romans 1:20) but Creation moans for its own salvation (Romans 8:22).  Once creation resonated with the sound of God’s glory but that tune has become distorted as we find ourselves in the mud and mire of life.  We can sing songs today of pain, hurt and trouble and few of us do not find it difficult to understand the powerful impressions sin has left on our minds and life.
            But this is not the end of Creations or Humanities song. The Psalmist in 40:3 realized that God had “. . . put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.”  This is a song of grace and in this new year we sing that same song.  Praises to the God who comes through Jesus Christ and offers to us the gift of salvation and deliverance from the off-key notes we sing.  May this new song impress its words and truth upon all of us and those in whom we witness to in this new year.

Monday, January 12, 2015

How I Respond

Those blanket-blank referees.  I am a ride and die Cowboy fan.  Even during the past decade when we struggled I stood by my ‘boys.  During some seasons I only hoped we could win two games.  We had to beat the Redskins.  So,  I will have to admit that on Sunday when the referee reversed the call on Dez Howard and called the play an incomplete pass I was a little perturbed.  Surely anyone could see that Dallas’ premier wide receiver had once again made the play when needed.  Going up over the defender securing the ball, turning to the goal line he reached out to hopefully cross the endzone with the ball.  But the referee decided that was not a football move and when his arm and ball hit the ground simultaneously he lost control of the ball momentarily. The result was an incomplete pass.
Many of my Cowboy fan friends are saying that the call made during the final moments of the game caused the Cowboys to loose the game.  I do not agree with that statement as much as I did not agree with the call.  I will say that the call kept us from having the chance to win the game but losing the game was a problem of many factors.

Let’s talk about a missed field goal by a kicker who is as good as money.  When Dan Bailey has walked on the field this year three points were a sure thing.  How about a third and one call with a bumbled snap which led to a long attempt at the goal line.  I don’t know if that was the original call (Tony did kill the play for something else) but it was what happened.  How about a hole big enough for me to run through with nothing but goal post in sight and a great defensive player somehow reached out and got a hand on the ball causing a fumble and blown drive.  Murray’s hands have been great for the last half of the season but this one hit the ground.  Shall I keep going?  I don’t know how many times I saw missed tackles which led to huge Packer gains but somehow my Cowboy friends think one call cost us the game.  Sorry, I just don’t see it that way.

Now, on to next year.  I have high hopes for the Cowboys.  Our front line will be older and more experienced and dare I say heavier, stronger and faster.  If he will stay healthy over the season then Murray should have bigger holes to run through and could even beat this years totals.  While those who filled in for an injured linebacker squad were pretty good we should have a faster and “meaner” squad next year.

While I have not liked the Packers since December of 1967 I have thought Rogers has always been a class act and one of the premier quarterbacks in the NFL.  But, I did get tired of hearing about him playing with the injured calf.  I could not help but remember that our quarterback is also one of the premier quarterbacks who played with a broken back and busted ribs this year.  We should be proud to have one of the best and by far one of the toughest quarterbacks leading us for the next couple of years I would assume.

Cowboy fans, it was a great year for us (especially following the Ranger’s year) and I can’t wait until next year.  Especially when we play the Redskins!